Due to COVID 19, this event has been postponed.
Welcome to our second annual Paint Night Fundraiser, creativity with a purpose! Port Kells TRBN Chapter along with ThinkGenerously Society work hard to make this event possible.
Join us for an evening of creativity . . . step by step instruction, Canvas and all paint supplies provided.
Come early if you want to purchase an amazing Greek dinner (not included in ticket price).
WHERE: Zythos Greek Mediterranean Grill
Of course you can expect a few fun and creative ways for us to raise extra money which will all go to help us at ThinkGenerously give a helping hand up to local families in need. Raffle, 50/50 and more.
Holy Cow . . . it’s ONLY $40!!
Invite your friends and family to join us for a fun evening.
If you are a TRBN member and / or own a business, you can help raise funds for local families in need by donating door prizes and Raffle items, and of course invite more of your friends to join in on the Party.
Click here to comment and share our event on Facebook.
We are looking forward to seeing you all there.